Welcome to the Ministry's Homepage

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Ministry's Messageboard

This is the Ministry's Homepage. The Ministry is a stable in the E-Fed UEW. We have currently 10 official members. Our average weight is about 488lbs. Our rivals as of now are Revolution X. We are a large force that can easily dominate other groups. Come Check us out at the UEW page down in our links.


Leader: Under-Taker

Chief of Recruiting: Punisher

Commissioner: Forsaken One

Chief of Interfering: Evil Eye


Fellow Ministry members, We now have a messageboard for our own personal use. It will be located in the links and titled as,"Ministry's Messageboard"


Fellow Ministry members, We must win at this PPV. Not for a pride thing but because if we lose, we will have to disband or in other words break up our stable. Now it says in the War results that I made this stipulation for the PPV match. I didn't. Here is the other side of the stipulation. If we do win, we get title shots on Massacre from the Revolution X title holders, with our rules. So, those involved with the PPV match against them, DisruptoR, Brimstone and Cain, You guys have to win or we will be disbanded. But that doesn't stop us from restarting the stable, now does it? :) Also, Punisher, since you volunteered to run the elections for the Ministry, We need to have a date for it. Also, Punisher, please post the current positions we are voting for, and the candidates that are running for them. Ok now, on to another subject. Since Punisher is the acting recruiter until we have our election, we need to decide who we should bring into the Ministry. I feel that we should try and recruit the other half of the Tag Team Champions, Mortician. If anybody else feels that we should do so, then please email Punisher to let him know. We also feel we can get Ballade. Now we are going to have to decide which one we should recruit or try and recruit one of them and if they don't want to join us try and recruit another. Well guys got to run

Rest In Peace,



Well Fellow Ministry Members, we finally got all of Revolution X's gold. Now we must defend it. They will surely be after revenge. Now on to another Subject, Injuries. It appears we are going to have to start attacking Revolution X, they just keep hurting more people. Punisher is out, Brimstone is out, all from Revolution X. Also, Punisher is very displeased with the results of the election. ONLY 4 PEOPLE VOTED. Anyways, the results will be posted above.

Rest In Peace,



I need ideas for this page... I have practically run out of ideas. Please email them to me(Under-Taker)

Current Members



Forsaken One



Evil Eye





Email us here!

The Ministry's Email address